Really Old News
For posterity's sake read, for Heaven's sake, don't expect the links to work! I've removed many broken links already, but left the original text so many of the "download here" type phrases don't make much sense anymore for all of the obvious reasons... :)
Site Updates | 07-02-2006 Today I went through the site, and made sure that all of my download links point here. Let me know if there are any broken links! I'm considering converting the whole site to a CMS like drupal, but for now my own code seems to work pretty well :) |
Google Summer Of Code | 04-29-2006 Big news! Detached Solutions (of which I am a member) has been chosen as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code! Please feel free to visit our site for more information. We're looking for motivated individuals who want to create some nifty software this summer (and get paid in the process)!. |
...And We're Back... | 09-24-2004 After a few hours of downtime yesterday, we're back. Somehow the domain name was allowed to expire (no, it wasn't my fault). Hopefully in a few weeks (or months... depends on how much free time I have) I will get the Titanium compatible version of Command Post finished. Beyond that program, I have no immediate plans to bring any of my other projects up to date. |
TI-89 Titanium Updates Available | 08-21-2004 I am proud to announce the release of seven updates to some of my most popular programs. These programs are: Super Start, KerNO, Insane Game, Dr. Mario, ZTetris, Tron, and Remote Control.
Super Start is probably the most useful program I've ever made, it makes playing games on any calculator a breeze! With Super Start, you no longer need a "launcher program" to make ppg programs and large ASM programs work on your
If you're new to KerNO, I encourage you to try it out. KerNO speeds up your calculator's keyboard repeat rates, provides anti-crash protection and all in all enhances your calculator. You can use key combinations such as DIAMOND+ON to turn your calcualtor
OFF in almost any program... even when the calculator is busy (ie in the middle of a long calculation such as "244!") KerNO is NOT a kernel in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, KerNO will not run programs designed specifically for DoorsOS or PreOS. If you have a
program that requires a kernel, I recommend PreOS.
Dr. Mario and ZTetris are old school programs. In fact, I ported them to NOSTUB from DoorsOS. These two games are timeless classics. ZTetris can link to any calculator (TI-85, TI-86, TI-83 Plus, etc...) to allow you to play head to head Tetris with all of your friends.
Rounding off the list are Tron, Remote Control and Insane Game. Tron, is well, tron, and Remote Control is mostly useful for making animated screen shots, and / or scaring your friends by controlling their calculator from yours... And the Insane Game is probabbly the wierdest game you will ever play. I know it doesn't look like much, but the Action Mode and Link Play modes are very addicting! Have fun! :)
This is the first round of updates. In the near future, I hope to update some more of my programs (including Command Post Plus) so that they will work properly on the TI-89 Titanium. |
Pending Updates | 08-18-2004
I've been hard at work redesigning the code base that runs this website, as well as slightly changing the color scheme. Most changes are behind the scenes, and make administering this site much easier. Please tell me if you stumble across anything strange :) In related, unrelated news, this site hit the 80,000 visitor mark at the beginning of this month. The counter isn't very accurate because it was started awhile after this site actually began life, but its cool none-the-less. That's about 3500 visitors each month for the past 23 months
During the past few weeks, I was able to get a hold of a few TI-89 Titanium calculators (a big thanks to those that made it happen!), and I have begun the process of updating my programs so that they work with the Titanium. In a few weeks, I'll release those updates which include titles such as Dr.
Mario, ZTetris, Command Post Plus, Super Start, and KerNO to name a few. Until then, you need to patch these programs using Ghostbuster; if you do not, they will not work correctly on the Titanium. |
RSS Feed Added | 07-30-2004 After struggling for an hour, and finally realizing that the bug was in PHP 4, and not my script, I've successfully created a RSS Version 2.0 compliant news feed for this website.
Update: I submitted this feed to ti-news.net for syndication via their conglomerate (which is the best way to get news about TI calculators), and it was approved. Thanks Guys! |
TI-89 Titanium | 07-10-2004 It has come to my attention that some of my programs do not work on the new TI-89 Titanium. I hope to fix this in the future. For now, if a program crashes, you need to install HW3 Patch, and possibly patch the program using Ghostbuster. If/when you have problems with my programs on the Titanium, please report them on the Message Board so that I know there is a problem and so other people will know too. I do not own or have access to a Titanium, so updating my programs is going to be difficult. |
TI Report Online | 04-13-2004 Its official... I'm pretty much done with calculator programming for the foreseeable future. I still have some ideas, and unfinished projects, but they will for the moment remain exactly that. Right now, I have more important things to do like finding an internship and honing my PC and Web programming skills. On a brighter note I wrote a web interface to TI Report by Joris Gillis. You can find it here.
KerNO v2.4 | 07-23-2003 KerNO 2.4 is out! This version is very similar to the previous version (2.3). The differences are: smaller size, and I added support for the new nostub comment standard. If you're new to KerNO, I encourage you to try it out. KerNO speeds up your calculator's repeat rates, provides anti-crash protection and all in all enhances your calculator. You can use key combinations such as DIAMOND+ON to turn your calcualtor OFF in almost any program... even when the calculator is busy (ie in the middle of a long calculation such as "244!") KerNO is NOT a kernel in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, KerNO will not run programs designed specifically for DoorsOS or PreOS. If you have a program that requires a kernel, I recommend PreOS. |
FLASH APP: Super Start v1.0 Released! | 05-31-2003 Today I am officially releasing a small FLASH Application for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200. This App is called Super Start and will be (i hope) very useful to many people.
Super Start can launch any normal program and exepacked (ppg) programs with a TI-BASIC extension called sstart. ex: sstart("tetris") it also supports passing of values and return values for people who want to take advantage of that. You can think of sstart as an improvement on ttstart which can be found on the TICT website. Secondly, this flash App provides the functionality of Auto Start which is a program that i originally wrote to make the process of starting a program from the home screen much less tedious.
Finally, Super Start can help programmers debug their code because it allows them to use the leak watch feature of Command Post to monitor normal ASM and ppg programs for memory leaks.
Overall, Super Start can save a lot of RAM and ARCHIVE memory because you do not need individual launchers for each ppg-compressed program. This FLASH app needs 12 bytes of RAM to launch a program compared to the 2009 bytes needed for ttstart to launch a program (a 99.4% difference!). For a full list of features, please follow this link.
UPDATE While working with Oliver Armand to add support for Super Start in ID, he found out that Super Start could crash when it runs some programs made with an older version of TIGCC that contain a buggy version of tipatch.lib (it did not save/restore a2). This problem can easily be fixed by recompiling those programs with newer versions of TIGCC. Additionally, I have sent an updated version of Super Start to TI for signing. This updated version will be able to work around said problems. |
New Server | 05-30-2003 If you can read this article, then welcome back :) GForce Programming has just completed a move to its new server. Everything should be up and functioning normally....
I'm home for the summer, and will be farming full time and programming as always on the side. There aren't too many plans for this summer calculator speaking, but you can expect 2-4 updates for some of my old programs as well as a few new ones. |
T^3 Report | 03-18-2003 Just a quick report on my trip to Nashville and the T^3 Conference. It was awesome! :) I met lots of TIers (tiers according to my spell checker) including the person who essentially heads up the 68k division, the Vice President, and many other people who do various things. My session was attended by 15-20 people who endured a 35 minute presentation... in retaliation, they questioned me for an additional 20 minutes following my monologue.
Oh, and take a look at this (pi.txt) (its a year old, but not much has changed) |
Command Post | 02-16-2003 I thought that I would drop a quick note to say that I've released Command Post over at Detached Solutions.
Also, I will be in Nashville TN from March 6 to March 10. On the 7th, I will be giving a presentation at the T3 Conference. It will be in the Convention Center - Room 208 from 11:45am - 12:30pm.
Here is the title/description of the session:
An Introduction to Flash Application Development
This session will focus on flash application programming for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 graphing handhelds using a new tool called Command Post. Follow the development process from the initial concept to the final product. Presented by one of the 2002 TI App Development Contest winners.
Updates | 01-18-2003
I've updated allot of my programs this time around...
- KerNO v2.3 has a rather interesting crash handling bug fixed (thanks to Lionel Debroux for the report). I have also made some optimizations to KerNO, and version 2.3 is several bytes smaller than 2.2.
- The Matrix Screen Saver (which strangely enough is the top downloaded program from my site eating over 100MB per month in bandwidth) has been updated to compile correctly with the TIGCC 0.94 series
- Crash Lib has been updated to compile correctly with the TIGCC 0.94 series.
- RIP - RIP was my first C program ever - I have updated it to run on all the 68k flash calculators, and made some changes to its codebase to make it compile with TIGCC 0.94
For those who don't know, RIP will make backups of your calculators settings for you. This makes it possible to switch between math classes and games (or anything else that may require different default settings) at will.
- Sample TSR - Yes, amazingly enough, I still enjoy fiddling with this April Fools joke. The source has been updated and now compiles correctly with TIGCC 0.94
I thought some of you might like to see what i'm up to now days, so here are my current projects that I call 'work' :)
I maintain the CUW Bookstore webpage (www.cuw.edu/bookstore) and am working for a company called Accelerated Automation - designing and coding their brand-new website. I also do some database/programming work with the assessor responsible for assessing properties in several townships near my home.
KerNO v2.2 | 12-17-2002 A few updates this time around. First, I've updated KerNO to version 2.2. This fixes some problems with ams 2.00-2.03. If you have KerNO 2.0, or 2.1 installed on a calculator with that ams version, you MUST send KerNO 2.2 to the calc, and run it to uninstall KerNO 2.0/2.1 . Using any other version of KerNO will result in a crash! Secondly, Command Post beta testing is finished. I'm very thankful for my beta testers who suggested a few things that are (or will eventually) be features of CP. I sent CP to TI yesterday for signing, so we are currently waiting for them to return it, and for me to finish the web based documentation. |
Multiple TSR Updates | 10-28-2002 I uploaded 3 updates to ticalc.org today:
The first being KerNO v2.1
This version of KerNO fixes a problem on HW2 Calculators with the AMS 2.08 Clock Feature... this bug prevented the calculator from being turned on with the ON key after using KerNO's DIAMOND+ON feature (removing the batteries, or inserting a link cord was the only way to turn the calc back on).
I also updated to version 1.11 of Kevin Kofler's h220xtsr.
Secondly, I have completely revised the method that I use to install TSR Event Hooks. As a result, I have re-released SampleTSR, and The Matrix Screen Saver (updates to my other TSR's are on the way).
I highly recommend using the updated version of SampleTSR for creating your own event hooks. It is smaller, simpler, faster, and does not have the pesky "Already Installed" bug that was present in the older version! If you have released event hooks in the past using my SampleTSR template, I also recommend that you attempt to update your programs to the new method (it is a fairly painless procedure). |
ZTetris 1.52 | 10-09-2002 Yan Zhang informed me about a small bug in ZTetris 1.51. Namely that on a TI-89, the word "SCORE" can become corrupted and will read something like "yyyRE". I have since fixed the problem (it isn't a serious problem in this case; just a graphical problem), and uploaded ZTetris 1.52 to ticalc.org.
Update: ZTetris 1.52 is now available, so go and get it ;) |
Dr. Mario / ZTetris | 10-07-2002 Several days ago, I uploaded the latest version of Dr. Marioto ticalc.org. This version is a little bit different from the previous release, and should run at almost the exact same speed on each hardware version.
Secondly, I replaced Tetris 1.51 to ticalc.org, and called it ZTetris 1.51. Renaming accomplishes two things; it distinguishes this version of tetris from other 'tetris' games in the archives, and it reflects a bit of history in that Jimmy's original tetris was called ZTetris... No, this isn't ZShell school kids ;) |
TI-App Contest Results! | 10-01-2002 Today, the Flash App Programming results for Texas Instruments's contest were announced :) I placed second with my entry of Command Post for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and V200 calculators! |
New Domain | 09-22-2002 I've invested in a 'real' website, and now GForce Programming can be found here at www.gregd.org. If you bookmark this page, I recommend bookmarking https://calc.gregd.org.
Additionally, I have uploaded a copy of Dr. Mario here because ticalc.org seems to be exteremely slow these days. It has been 16 days and counting since I uploaded Dr. Mario to ticalc.org
Update: I have added some code to slow Dr. Mario down on HW2 calcs. Essentially, I moved the old medium speed so that it runs as the 'high' speed. Tell me what you think :) |
Nostub Dr. Mario | 09-06-2002 I ported Dr. Mario v1.0 by Ludvig Strigeus to run as a nostub program! You can download it here as soon as ticalc.org updates its archives. The original game ran only on the TI-89; this port will run on the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and V200 calculators. I also added a few nice features to Dr. Mario: The highscores are saved in an external variable (prevents score loss when dr. mario is archived), and I made the game run faster on HW2 calcs (it was too slow before). Also, I uploaded Tetris 1.51 to ticalc.org yesterday, and here is the link... |
Nostub Tetris! | 08-01-2002 You heard me right! I've ported Jimmy
Mårdell's Tetris (ported from the 92 to the 89/92p by Joel Jordan) to run as a nostub program. Meaning that it no longer requires a kernel. Along the way, I added several new features as well as reimplemented some old ones that were somewhat broken. Also, this version of Tetris can link with many other types of calculators (TI-83p, TI-85, TI-86, etc...) for head to head combat with your friends. Download it here The major changes that you will notice if you have played the DoorsOS version are: - No Kernel is required
- The game has been compressed
- V200 Support
- The Teacher key returns you to the AMS instead of turning the calc off
- The high scores are saved in a variable
- When you dismiss the Pause dialog, the key you pressed will not affect game play when it resumes
An Update Before School Starts... | 07-24-2002 Ok, I’ve been sitting on this stuff for _wayyy_ too long! As some of the more observant among us may have noticed, I updated The Insane Game, TI-Bullet Time, TI-Benchmark, and HSR sometime ago… In New News (!?), KerNO version 2.0 is officially no longer in a beta stage. This release corrects several bugs in previous releases which would cause FLASH APPS to crash. It also adds several new (and innovative) features to KerNO’s repertoire. KerNO can determine if your calculator’s system heap (ram) is corrupt when recovering from an error, and it also does nice things like speeding up your keyboard to enhance the ‘user experience’ ;) For the full list of changes, I suggest checking the change log. (OH!, yes!, I almost forgot... V200 support ;)
Crashlib is no longer in beta! Crashlib is a compile-time library which can give your programs excellent protection from seriously silly serious errors… ie when you are playing with that cool new game of yours during math class right before the test, and…
TI-Bullet Time … I fixed a problem with programs that return a value to the home screen. If you tried to patch a game that did this, and it crashed… well, sorry, and here is the fix :/ I know some people think i've been a bit quite... and that is true... but, I find that I can get more stuff done when I don't talk so much ;) Command Post (KFLASH) is comming... |
A Message Board! | 07-09-2002 I want to thank LizardKing who runs http://www.ti-programmers.com for setting me up with a message board. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to post there, or use the contact me form here. |
TI-Bullet Time | 06-14-2002 I have been working very hard on KerNO v2.0(nearly ready for release see side bar for download of the unofficial KerNO 2.0) during the past few weeks, and TI-Bullet Time is a fairly cool byproduct of the development of KerNO. TI-Bullet Time is able to slow the TI-89, 92p, and V200 down to about 45% of normal speed! There are actually two programs involved in this process. Neo, which installs the TI-Bullet Time Patch on a game, and TI-Bullet Time itself which slows down the game. Enjoy! :) |
Return of the Jedi -- err um... Calc.org! | 06-02-2002 Looks like I'm back, and this time, the new site design is active! It could be quite some time before I am able to get everything shipshape, but this is a great start! |
Whew! | 05-04-2002 I presented this page in my computer science class, so its time to get it back to normal ;) The presentation went well overall,
but there were a few quirks that were beyond my control... Needless to say, I learned alot! Between the calc.org server being
in a state of utter chaos (and yes that does relate to my 16 page paper on chaos theory, and nonlinear dynamics),
and the cs server not having a php module installed, i was up a creek! Unfortunately, I didn't realize that
I could use my computer to serve the page until it was too late... Basically, I think my prof liked the page, but
did not like the php noting that php may not be the way to go, and something about not having ubiquitous (not allowing any one with any type of computer to view the site) access.... I would take issue with
both of those statments (my paper did give the reasons for my use of php),
but that is his prerogative... i just didn't expect such a negative reaction to a development tool such as php
from my prof... especially from one who is very into open source/cross platform type stuff ...at least i did my best i guess...
but i am slightly fustrated over the whole situation... because i did place
a tremendous amount of time and effort into learning php, and developing this site. unubiquitous is the word of the day, php is not it, but perl is!? |
Two Year Anniversary | 04-21-2002 I just thought that I'd post an article today mentioning the two year anniversary of this website!
Unfortunately, I can't post this today because I can't login to the calc.org server. When the new one
is up and running, You'll be able to see this, and I'll be able to read email! :)
Yes, that means that any email sent to [email protected] during the past few weeks has not been seen by myself.
I don't think the server has been working, so I probabbly will never see anything that was sent there in the
past weeks. :( |
TI-Benchmark, New Website Design | 03-06-2002 Two Things today.
First: I released TI-Benchmark
today. It gives a rough approximation of the speed of the cpu in your calculator.
The link will become active when ticalc.org adds it to their archives. TI-Benchmark
will not execute correctly in VTI because of bugs in VTI.
Second: I am completely rebuilding this website from the ground up....
by hand.... for a school project. The new design can be found here. Note that
it is subject to change, and that this page should be considered the main page
of this website until i state otherwise. Please, email me with thoughts, and/or
suggestions on the new design. |
Insane Game Update... | 02-28-2002 A few things... Insane
Game is up to version 1.1 now. I have fixed all of my links that formerly
pointed to calc.org since the main site is experiencing total chaos. Hopefully,
they are all fixed, if you find a bad one, please email and tell me. This site can be accessed from
and from gforce.calc.org/ |
School, KerNO v1.1 | 11-27-2001 Yep, busy with school again.... Maybe I'll have more time during Christmas break... Then I can learn some more C++/MFC stuff... I added a guestbook to this webpage, so you can check it out if you would like. I've become aware of the fact that some of my programs zip files are corrupted on calc.org. That can't be fixed until they get the new server, so for now, I will place them directly on my web site here. At the moment, I think that Auto Start was the only program affected, so here is a good link. Also, here is KerNO version 1.1 full source code is included as well as some changes, but NO bug fixes. The biggest change being that the Sto->ON combo is replaced with ESC ON. For developers, there is a special xdef so that KerNO will work around the bug in VTI. Also, note that KerNO is not compatible with Kevin Kofler's h220xtsr, and if KerNO is to be installed on a HW2 calc, HW2 patch must be installed first. For KerNO's key combinations to work with any program, the default ON KEY interrupt must not be disabled (auto-int 6).... a lot of games don't do that, and that is why the esc+on and diamond+on combinations do not work with them. I have not been able to personally test KerNO on a HW2 calc, but that should change soon i hope. |
Nav Bar Layout Changes | 11-06-2001 Um... yeah... I decided to play a little bit with the layout of the nav bar... we'll have to wait and see if it is to stay... |
KerNO | 11-04-2001 Midnight. If you are interested in KerNO, here are a few links: Short Description, ReadMe, KerNO.zip, Screen Shots. Enjoy : Update for Programmers: To make programs that are compatible with KerNO's DIAMOND+ON and
STO->ON features, do not completely disable interrupts. Instead of writing OSSetSR(0x700); or its equivalent, write OSSetSR(0x500); which disables all interrupts
except the ON key and the Privledge Violation.
Update (Again) strong>Kevin Kofler just emailed me and told me that KerNO
probably won't work with h220xTSR on HW2 calculators. This is my fault, and I'm working on
the fix right now. It will be nice when I get a HW2 TI-92+ in a week or two... then I can
test to make sure that I have everything right.
KerNO | 11-03-2001 Olivier Armand figured out why
KerNO and DoorsOS don't work correctly in VTI. It seems that when $20 is changed (Privilege Violation Vector), VTI starts to do funny things like hanging and crashing. This also affects DoorsOS and compatible kernels... the difference being that KerNO is always installed and DoorsOS installs its anti-crash protection before running a program and removes it after the program is done executing. I've also noticed that this apparent bug in VTI doesn't happen when VTI is emulating AMS 1.00.
KerNO & VTI | 10-26-2001 I don't have time to update KerNO's doc's, but there is one
caveat that is probably of interest to anyone who is using it. It seems to crash and/or
hang VTI when going to VTI's debugging screen. I don't know why that happens. It doesn't affect real calculators, just VTI. I had this problem on my old computer and on my
families computer... I haven't had it happen on this (my new) computer yet... although I
haven't done any serious programming for quite awhile either. I think that some of my links my be down. I'm sorry for that. The
reason is that ticalc.org is currently down, and I had links to them to save space here. I don't know if I'll be able to find zip files of my old
86 programs... I have been relinking to calc.org. Did I ever mention that I like calc.org better than ticalc.org anyway... |
ASH and KerNO | 10-18-2001 I will be uploading a new version of ASH (this is the latest, but you need to get the documentation from this website) to 'the websites' when i get some time. Martin Daveluy found an interesting (but rare bug) where ASH (and all of my other event hook TSR's) can falsely report 'Already Installed'. I have since fixed that... I removed the one-key on off feature from ASH. It was annoying me, and I have had others tell me the same thing.. Martin also told me that the custom menu hot keys were not working on the TI-92+, so i have fixed the problem, the new key combo is HAND + UP.
In other news, KerNO is finished... I just need to release it officially... KerNO is essentially DoorsOS built for NOSTUB programs... meaning that it won't run DoorsOS style programs. It will, however, provide anti-crash protection, and a special key combo (DIAMOND + ON) to place any calculator in diapause until the on key is pressed... Also, KerNO is written totally in ASM...no C... and installs on a calculator for just under 900 bytes. Quite an advantage over doors-os sizewise if all that you have on your calculator are NOSTUB programs.
And, FINALLY, in other news :) I've fixed my counter (look to your
left).... yeah! now it is working :) |
!!NEW COMPUTER!! | 10-05-2001 This would be a test of MSFP from my new
computer.... YEA!! (and this would be the second test...) |
TI-App Contest, and a New Computer | 10-02-2001 Hrm... I'm actually posting this by hand... its been awhile
since i've done that... anyway... Things are beginning to look up a bit:) My new computer
is comming in a day or two which means that i won't be using this 90mhz Pentium beast for much longer!! I'm pretty much settled into College, and am enjoying it very much. AND i took 3rd place in TI's app contest with a port of ASH to the sdk. Now all i want to see is a freeware signing key... otherwise don't expect to see
it anytime soon. |
College! | 08-18-2001 I'm going to college on
the 22nd! This is dietsche signing off for 2-3 weeks. |
Updated TSR's (new h220xtsr version) | 08-03-2001 I recompiled ash, sample tsr, the matrix, and auto start today with the new h220xtsr header file (v1.03) previously they used version 1.02a. |
ASH and Auto Start Updates | 08-02-2001 I've updated Ash once again... see the change log for details. I've uploaded a small program called Auto Start. It uses the same source code that ash uses to automatically start programs for you. So if you don't like ash, but would like that feature, now you have it :) |
Lots of TSR Updates... | 07-22-2001 I updated ASH... this fixes a small mistake that I made when I compiled it last. (I omitted the ')' from the list of characters to auto complete after.
I've updated The Matrix Screen Saver, and Sample Tsr... now it should be completely safe to use OPTIMIZE_ROM_CALLS.
Finally, I've added a new section to the site, PUDS... for projects that I am still working on and haven't officially released. |
ASH Updated | 07-16-2001 A new beta version of ASH is out. ASH is getting very near to its first non - beta release. The future features list is likely to stay the same... EditDB is functional now; it is the replacement for makedb. It is quite simple compared to the old method, just edit and go... its that simple! ttstart and start have been replaced with sstart. Sstart is a utility that combines ttstart and start into one simple program. As you can see, I have made some major changes, so have fun and download away ;)
A word of warning about the SampleTSR example: The support for OPTIMIZE_ROM_CALLS may not work correctly all of the time. You need to check the .s files that tigcc produces to make sure that it is working correctly.
Sorry if anything above sounds strange... never mind, it should sound weird; its 12:15
am right now! |
ASH and Sample TSR Updates | 05-19-2001 Some very important updates today. I have recompiled ASH and my Sample TSR. They should be stable on HW2 calculators with ams 2 now. Previously they used h220xtsr version 1.02, but the C header file used to compile them contained a bug. Now they use h220xtsr version 1.02a. Sorry that it took so long to post something. I have been very busy as of late... |
A Great Present! | 05-14-2001 Wow, ASH just got featured on all of the main TI-Calc related sites around.. quite an honor.. Someone even uploaded a version for me to ticalc.org... been quite a day! I thought that i'd post this update to ash here since it is very important that you get it... see the change log for why... |
ASH Beta Testing | 05-08-2001 Beta testing for ASH has officially begun! Thanks to my beta testers so far; I have gotten a much better response than I had anticipated! I'm sorry if I can't reply to the email's I get right away, but I am very busy sluffing off at school :) |
Sample TSR, Graduation, ASH! | 05-05-2001 I graduate in 9 days! Yeah!!!!! I've uploaded the
sample tsr again, this time its more goodies for those of you who use TIGCC .91 w/ SP1 or better...
Ummm ash... has changed alot (almost daily) don't even bother with the posted version because it is very out of date! |
Sample TSR Event Hook Update | 04-23-2001 I've uploaded the sample tsr again, now it is smaller and supports TIGCC .91 w/sp1 without any of the nasty hacks! I've also added a few screen shots for an event hook that I've been working on for awhile now... Check it out; I hope you like it :) If you want it though, you will need to email me. I am also looking for someone with a HW2 calc, so I can know if it works on HW2 calcs... I have a HW1 w/ams 2.05... |
Remote Control | 04-17-2001 I uploaded a program called remote to ticalc.org and calc.org today. It makes it possible to take over another calc by just linking with a link cable and typing stuff on the calc that has remote running on it! I've been working on the tsr hook; now it supports OPTIMIZE_ROM_CALLS and I fixed a bug! I haven't uploaded it yet though... because I have had to add a nasty hack with the stack to it to make it work with the current beta
release of TIGCC. |
Sample TSR, Home Screen Restore 1.3 | 04-11-2001 I've updated the sample TSR HOOK (written in C). It is only available in .zip format. I have removed the online version because geocities does not support all of the extensions in the files that i use. Also, I have fixed a small bug that would have resulted in a memory leak if a calculator met some very very specific low mem conditions. I have also added code so the hook can tell if it has been installed previously. Also, I've updated my Home Screen Restore (v1.3) program to take advantage of the new TIGCC library. It is now a few bytes smaller... My links all point to ticalc.org, so when they update, the links will be correct. |
Sample TSR Event Hook Update | 03-18-2001 I've taken some suggestions on the Tsr Event Hook... You can download the zip file here or view the readme here. Because of some limitations by geocities, .bat (batch file) and the .h header files are not available online; but they work if you extract the zip file to a folder and open the readme from there. |
Home Screen Restore v1.2, Sample TSR Event Hook in C | 03-16-2001 Hmm, talk about neglecting... Home Screen v1.2 is out... exactly a month ago... So I've updated this page today... Right on top of things as usual... Also, I've posted a sample TSR HOOK written completely in C for the TI-89 and TI-92+. This is a new approach to creating hooks in C. It is now possible to write a hook that has multiple functions, can use the TIGCC library, and is not limited by optimization levels. The hook is also completely compatible with Kevin Kofler's uninstall program for tsr's. I haven't posted this on ticalc.org yet, because I would like to get some input on it and I need to create some documentation for it. Does anyone see any bugs in it, or ways to optimize it? Thanks. |
Neglect, and Home Screen Restore | 02-11-2001 I've neglected to update this site recently, be happy I do it every now and then... I've added animated screen shots for all of my programs so be sure to check them out from each section for each calc! Also, today I am releasing Home Screen Restore v1.1. I uploaded version 1.0 to ticalc.org yesterday, but realized it would not work correctly if your calc had been recently reset, so here is the latest version. |
RIP, Quiz Machine | 01-13-2001 Today I am releasing 2 programs... RIP, and The Quiz Machine Engine. RIP is a program that i wrote awhile ago, but thought you'd like... It takes and restores a snapshot of all your settings on your calc. In other words it saves lots of time and repetition after a crash or just switching between allot of different math classes. The Quiz Machine Engine is a small engine that allows you to create a customized quiz based on data that you supply. |
ssolve, Pas v3.0 | 12-01-2000 I added a function called ssolve. This function allows you to solve for one variable or solve a set of simultaneous equations. Examples include ssolve(3x+43=2) and ssolve(3x+4y=4 and 5y+6x=2)
I've also released Pas v3.0!! This is probably its final release. It weighs in at 697 bytes;this version is 242 bytes smaller than the previous version (2.1). I have also included support for an encrypted password. This release also includes the source code under the GNU GPL. I updated Lines for the TI-89/92+ and it is smaller than the version released 11/16/00. This is probably the final version. I have created the documentation so it is good to go!! |
Lines, and Pas 2.1 | 11-16-2000 Updated Lines for the TI-89/92+ it is now in its final release form but needs documentation... :) Updated Pas for the TI-89/92+ it is now version 2.1, is 2 bytes smaller (939 bytes now) and adds support for the TI-92+. :( Fixed the quick links in the TI-89/92+ section so they point to the correct place...
ooops sorry |
Conversion Complete | 11-08-2000 Oops looks like I forgot to upload the whole webpage last night; that's all fixed now though.... Everything is converted to Front Page and I've rearranged the directory structure somewhat. Looks like everything is good to go now though. Enjoy! :) |
Conversion To Front Page Nearing Completion | 11-07-2000 I've for the most part finished converting everything over to front page... It's nice to look at the source code and be able to easily change it without all of that style sheet junk embedded everywhere...! Most pages have seen a reduction in the area of 50%-75% the original size! YES! YES! YES! |
I'm Sick of MS WORD!!! | 11-06-2000 I'm getting sick of the bloat that MS Word imposes. It insists on embedding a style sheet into each page instead of making one .css for the entire web site. Or even better don't use one. Anyhow I'm gonna change everything over to MS Front Page... That makes it a lot easier on the file size as well as me if I want to add my own HTML or javascript to complement what Front Page did for me. |
Lines | 11-04-2000 Uploaded a copy of Lines for the TI-89. This is a pre-release; the next release will have some more features that make it nicer to use such as GDB's and a
folder... FEATURES of this program include a history, it can find the y=mx+b form of lines based on 2 points, 1 point and the slope, 1 point and the y-intercept, Perpendicular Lines, Parallel Lines, and you can enter 1 user defined equation. It graphs the last 3 functions on the graph screen. |
Super Chat 2.1 and GDOS 2.1 for the TI-86 | 10-10-2000 Updated Super Chat to version 2.1, I also updated GDOS also version 2.1 (funny
how that works!) These are both in the TI-86 section. |
Pas 89 Released | 10-07-2000 Updated Pas for the TI-89 now it has documentation! This is its first public
release. |
TI-86 Super Chat | 10-06-2000 Updated my TI-86 program called Super Chat. It is now in its final or near final form (I’m experimenting with a mix of ASM and BASIC for the next release). |
New TI-89 Section, Added Pas for the 89 | 09-15-2000 Added a section for my TI-89 programs. This section is under heavy development and is not functional as of yet. Added a program for the TI-89 called Pas. It is similar to the one I wrote for
the TI-86. Documentation is coming soon. This port of my pas program for the TI-86 is written in C, has a fully customizable password, and allows the calling
program to decide what to do based on the variable that is returned. (pass). If pass=1 then it was a good password; if pass=0 then an incorrect password was
entered. |
Under Construction | 04-21-2000 This page is currently under heavy construction.
I am too lazy to do this by hand so
Micro$oft Word and Front Page will have to do!
Copyright © 2000 - by Greg D. All Rights Reserved.